Monday, June 25, 2012

Positive Attitude - Get Positive Words and Positive Phrases to Work For You

Being Positive is an outlook in life in which using positive words and positive phrases, and thinking daily positive thoughts become the habit, priority and the guiding philosophy in one's life.

Why be positive?

Anger Management

It is simply better than the alternative. As Churchill said, "For myself, I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else."

Positive Attitude - Get Positive Words and Positive Phrases to Work For You

It is important, however, to realize that a positive mental attitude is not meant to be a cure-all for all our troubles. But, here is where it scores:

Positive attitude helps us -

- Reduce needless stress
- Lessen needless worries
- Overcome needless fears

It helps us put things in perspective, by shifting our focus and energies from those futile emotions to more constructive efforts; that shift enables us arrive at solutions to our issues where none seemed in sight before, or at the very least, get us to compromise with our situations quicker than otherwise.

How to get the power of positive thinking to work for us?

1. Avoid criticism: This applies to self-criticism, as well as criticizing others. Avoiding self criticism does not imply we must not admit to our mistakes; in fact we should - at least to ourselves - but constantly berating ourselves over them is something else, and that should be avoided. Learn from the mistake, and move on; take the juice and spit out the rest.

Same deal applies for other's mistakes as well; instead of seizing up the opportunity to put them down, realize that a mistake just makes them as much a human as you are.

2. Don't get upset over situations beyond your control: We all run into plenty of little situations in life where we know there is not too much we can do about them. Sometimes we just have to let things run their course. Challenge yourself to creatively come up with a positive aspect out of your current messy situation, starting with the words, "Maybe its a good thing this happened because,..."

3. Change your daily vocabulary: Replace phrases in your daily vocabulary such as "Impossible", "I can't do it" with more positive phrases such as "I can, if I put in the necessary time and effort" or "I can, if that is my current priority in life" or "I can figure it out". Such phrases, while acknowledging the task requires effort, still do not verbally diminish your capacity to do it should the need arise in future.

"Once you replace negative words with positive words, you'll start having positive results." -Willie Nelson

Positive Attitude - Get Positive Words and Positive Phrases to Work For You

Prashant is the owner of:

The website deals with self improvement advice, ideas and tips focusing on stress management, memory improvement, self confidence, anger management and more - interspersed with several highly inspiring, contextually relevant self improvement quotes.

Learn more about the benefits of a positive attitude, along with tips and ideas to become a more positive person.

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