Friday, June 1, 2012

Emotional Fragility

Emotions can run out of control, it does not choose its victims- the very young or the very old. A frequent dose of unpleasant issues and events can be emotionally debilitating. Emotional stress is draining, more so than a physical one.

People say things without thinking, with malice, lies and more hurtful lies. It is widely acknowledged that resentments, back-talks and other types of negative reactions reflect underlying insecurities especially that of fear and anger. People like this believe in the power of negative talk and negative emotions. They would not understand the meaning of goodwill and positive talk. Sometimes, harsh words are exchanged that are mutually hurtful. There are people with anger issues- it does not take much to get them go on a tirade. Humiliating and maddening if you are on the receiving end.

Anger Management

Can time heal these wounds? Do you bear the pain alone, or is there someone who can be a willing sounding board? At times, it helps to have a good listener. Can you let go of the hurt and find peace?

Emotional Fragility

For some, hurtful issues tend to get remote and forgotten in time. People learn to move on. It is only when one dwells on these that the negative energy gets very powerful and takes a life of its own. It can rear its ugly head at the slightest provocation, makes one emotionally fragile.

What purpose does it serve? NOTHING. Peace is refreshing, nourishing and strengthening. Misery is just that-misery. Fragile emotions can put one on edge, defensive, suspicious, insecure, angry and definitely unhappy. It can control your life.

The choice to let go of hurtful issues is a personal decision. Life has to go on, life has to flow in a positive way. There is always room for forgiveness. Words are the cheapest commodity and yet can be the most hurtful. Is it possible to let go? Take the high road, which leads to peace.

May you find your peace and may faith light your life, and the flicker of love grow ever brighter.

Emotional Fragility

Bonnie Moss writes to inspire and to motivate her readers to explore the depths of their heart and soul and make a difference in this world. She draws from personal experience and her interest in spirituality. Visit her website:

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