Friday, June 8, 2012

3 Steps to Take When Resolving Anger Issues

I hope you have come here to find help resolving anger issues for yourself or a loved one. Knowing you have a problem with anger management is the first step to getting help. The second step is finding out what will work to resolve the anger within yourself and move on to a happier and successful life. I have found three things that work for many people to help themselves with their anger management.

1. Be positive.

Anger Management

A lot can be said for the power of positive thinking. I'm not saying that you have to be the fake cheerleader type that is walking around yelling "You rah rah." about everything that goes on around them. On the other hand, staying away from being a bitter and sour person can really go a long way in avoiding getting upset at the little things that may irritate you throughout the day.

3 Steps to Take When Resolving Anger Issues

Becoming a positive person will not be easy, but waking up every morning and becoming conscious about when you are bitter and when you are happy is a good step. I have noticed that since I have made a choice to be more positive I am more aware of when I start yelling at other drivers on the highway and start down a road of possibly complaining about another person. Once I realize I'm on that road, I think about if what upset me will really matter in 3 minutes or 3 days. Ninety-nine percent of the time what has occurred doesn't matter and I am able to move on with a positive attitude.

2. Learn to understand your anger.

What is really making you angry? I'm sure it's not the crazy driver that tailgated you halfway to work this morning. Sometimes the situation is extremely obvious like a bunch of bullies that kicked you around in high school. Other times the situation may have been something you pushed to your subconscious because it was so traumatizing and you had to do this to keep on living. The problem with this is the problem is still in your subconscious and making you angry with how things went down. Until you can bring the problem to your conscious thinking, you will never be able to move on.

3. Learn to forgive those that made you angry.

Once you have found out what made you angry, you will need to forgive them so you can move on with your life. You can no longer change what happened or handle it differently and forgiving will allow you to lift a huge weight off of your shoulders and move on. We all make mistakes and even serious ones will need to be forgiven by you so you can keep on living a happy life without anger in your subconscious thinking.

3 Steps to Take When Resolving Anger Issues

These three steps to resolving anger issues may be all you need to move on to a happier life. However, if you feel you need more help, please visit

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