Saturday, June 30, 2012

Stress Rash - Anxiety Can Cause Hives and Unidentified Skin Rashes

Just as anxiety can cause headaches, stomach problems and insomnia, a stress rash is also a common expression for underlying tension. Stress and anxiety can affect our bodies in a number of ways and the skin is a vulnerable area. If one has an existing rash due to another cause such as an allergy, scabies bacterial infection, stress can make things worse as insomnia weakens one's immune system and can prevent healing.

Whether stress it the whole or partial factor in the rash, finding effective ways to manage daily tension and stressors without internalizing things to the point of your health deteriorating is very important. Repetitive negative self-statements and excessive worry can wreak havoc on our immune systems.

Anger Management

Ask yourself if the events you are bothered by will be on your mind three months from now. Many things that disturb us are very temporary. For instance, the attitude of someone in a drug store towards you, disappointment at getting a traffic ticket or anger about another pimple will fade away quickly. However, in the presence of the moment, they can seem huge and snowball with other thoughts. The traffic ticket situation can grow into negative thoughts such as, "Nothing ever goes my way. I am always getting the short end of the stick." It is these types of thoughts that can drag us down and give us somatic complaints such as headaches, loose bowels and the hives stress rash.

Stress Rash - Anxiety Can Cause Hives and Unidentified Skin Rashes

In addition to asking yourself if the situation will bother you in three months from now, have a way to diffuse the inner agitation. It can be through taking a long walk, swimming, having a funny YouTube clip you play, using relaxation CDs, doing a yoga routine or remembering what really matters.

Situation in life will always be happening and we need to master them in order to not feel victimized. If you get a stress rash, you may need an antihistamine to get relief from the itching. Take this so you can get a good night's sleep. Use anti-inflammatory creams to control the rash. An oatmeal bath is very therapeutic. Find ways to look at your boss, in-laws and even kids with humor and not as such intense melodramas.In the US one out of 8 people have an anxiety disorder and this is close to 20 million people. A stress rash is very common but it's also good to diagnose it to see if the root may be an infection,excessive perspiration, insect bite, poisonous plant or allergic reaction.

Stress Rash - Anxiety Can Cause Hives and Unidentified Skin Rashes

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

People Skills: Eight Essential People Skills

Being able to communicate effectively with others requires people skills, and here's eight essential ones:

1. Understanding people

Anger Management

People not only come in all shapes and sizes, but they come with different personality types as well. You may want to brush up on how to communicate with the four main personality types by reading this article. Indeed, dedicated students of communication could do little better than purchase Bem Allen's excellent introduction to personality types, 'Personality Theories'.

People Skills: Eight Essential People Skills

People are individuals, with as many similarities from one person to the next as differences. To communicate most effectively, each will require you to communicate with them in their own individual preference style, using their language, their body gestures, and their pace and intonation.

So how do you find out how best to communicate with someone? Spend time with them! Don't expect to meet someone off the street and talk intimately with them within a minute. Understanding a subject takes time -- whether that subject is an academic one or another human being.

2. Expressing your thoughts and feelings clearly

Our brains can only take so much information in at any one time. We are bombarded with messages every second of the day, so to compete with the barrage of 'noise' a person faces, your message needs to be clear, succinct and to the point.

It is very worthwhile taking time to plan your communication -- no matter by what method it is delivered -- to ensure that you are taking the least amount of time to express the right level of thought in the most receptively simple manner.

3. Speaking up when your needs are not being met

Just as important in business relationships as in domestic ones, speaking up to ensure that your needs are met is a fundamental part of any relationship.

You may wish to read this article on assertive, not aggressive, communication, but in a nutshell there are six different ways you can be assertive and not aggressive in your communication: by rehearsing your behaviour prior to the communication; by repeating your communication (the 'broken record' technique); fogging; asking for negative feedback; tentative agreement with negative feedback; and creating a workable compromise.

Assertiveness is a useful communication tool. It's application is contextual and it's not appropriate to be assertive in all situations. Remember, your sudden use of assertiveness may be perceived as an act of aggression by others.

4. Asking for feedback from others and giving quality feedback in return

Alongside assertiveness techniques, the giving and receiving of feedback is a key communication skill that must be learnt if you want to have any hope of developing long-term business relationships..

Toastmasters International teach a useful feedback and critical review technique -- first give a sincere compliment, follow this with any practical suggestions for improvement, then wrap up with further sincere praise. It is known as 'CRC', or 'Commend, Recommend, Commend', a three-step model for excellence in giving quality feedback.

Remember, too, that truthfulness is a subjective view. What you may find distasteful in someone may be equally desirable from another's point of view. As I learnt, by living through a series of IRA atrocities in England and watching the US political and media reactions, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

5. Influencing how others think and act

We all have the opportunity to influence how others think and act. All the way from Cialdini's Persuasion principles down to simple violence (of a verbal or physical nature), we are daily able to shape the thoughts and actions of those around us.

From something as simple as smiling and saying, "Hello!" as a way of influencing someone's mood, to leading by example during an intense period of change, there are many ways of either leading to or drawing out of others required behaviours and attitudes.

Remember that an attitude leads to an emotion, which in turn leads to an action. Shape the attitudes and you have a more reliable way of predicting actions.

6. Bringing conflicts to the surface and getting them resolved

I confess: I'm not a 'natural' at handling conflict. It's taken marrying into an existing family of three children to help this only child come to terms with conflict.

It's taken me three years of living in my family to realise it's possible to co-exist in conflict and not get personally involved. But it wasn't an easy lesson to learn, I can tell you!

But being a step-father to teenage children has helped me learn the importance of bringing conflicts and resentments to the surface where they can be more easily managed.

Your employees might be harbouring secret resentments of you, and unless you find out what they are, bring these 'dark secrets' out into the light of day, you are never going to be able to successfully deal with them.

It's embarrassing, potentially humiliating and requires a strong level of patience not to launch straight into a defensive mode, but giving people the opportunity to express their concerns, disappointments and anger, face-to-face, gives you tremendous opportunity to put things right, or help them see where their thoughts and feelings are misplaced.

7. Collaborating with others instead of doing things by yourself

I'm a shocker at this, but learning to delegate and share has been instrumental in growing my own business.

The quickest way of burying yourself in excess detail and workload is to try and do everything yourself. Yet sharing the workload can be the smartest thing you will ever do. Here's why:


Leverage is taking your skills and abilities and allowing others to magnify your work capacity. You train them to do what you do and you do something else.

One bricklayer can only lay a certain number of bricks in an hour, but that same bricklayer can train 15 mates to lay bricks and suddenly those 15 bricklayers are building monuments while the first bricklayer is out securing more work for them.

While the 15 are laying bricks, the original bricklayer can be learning how to perform advanced bricklaying, or learn sales strategies, or learn supervision skills.

The lesson is simple: try and do it all yourself and the 'all' will bury you; teach others to do what you do and you build a monument.

Jesus taught 11 men how to do what he did. Then he left them to carry on while he moved on to other things. From the simple act of one man teaching 11 others, a church and the largest, most influential religious movement the world has ever known was born.

8. Shifting gears when relationships are unproductive

Sometimes you need to walk away. Sometimes you need to jettison unhealthy cargo. And sometimes you need to take drastic steps to regain balance and momentum.

'Shifting gears' can be as simple as changing the venue of your supervision meeting from a dark office to a nearby cafe. Sometimes it can be moving the meeting from straight after lunch to first thing next morning, when clearer heads might prevail.

Sometimes it can mean increasing the level of assertiveness in order to ensure the point you are making is being received. Sometimes it might mean bringing others into the meeting so that the other person understands the implications of their attitudes or actions.

And sometimes it can mean helping them find a more meaningful and satisfying role outside of your sphere of influence.

As a management psychologist I clearly remember one organisation I consulted to: the only way out of a staff impasse was to remove the impediments to progress. Which meant helping key protagonists find new work outside of the organisation. Sometimes culture change can only be effected in a quick way by bringing in an entire new team and throwing away the dead wood. But only as a last resort.


The whole idea of being people skilled is knowing or finding how to bring out the best in others in any situation, rather than their worst. By mastering these eight essential people skills you dramatically increase your chances of achieving the best outcomes out of your interactions and business challenges.

People Skills: Eight Essential People Skills

When you match consumer psychology with effective communication styles you get a powerful combination. Lee Hopkins can show you how to communicate better for better business results. At you can find the secrets to communication success.

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Positive Attitude - Get Positive Words and Positive Phrases to Work For You

Being Positive is an outlook in life in which using positive words and positive phrases, and thinking daily positive thoughts become the habit, priority and the guiding philosophy in one's life.

Why be positive?

Anger Management

It is simply better than the alternative. As Churchill said, "For myself, I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else."

Positive Attitude - Get Positive Words and Positive Phrases to Work For You

It is important, however, to realize that a positive mental attitude is not meant to be a cure-all for all our troubles. But, here is where it scores:

Positive attitude helps us -

- Reduce needless stress
- Lessen needless worries
- Overcome needless fears

It helps us put things in perspective, by shifting our focus and energies from those futile emotions to more constructive efforts; that shift enables us arrive at solutions to our issues where none seemed in sight before, or at the very least, get us to compromise with our situations quicker than otherwise.

How to get the power of positive thinking to work for us?

1. Avoid criticism: This applies to self-criticism, as well as criticizing others. Avoiding self criticism does not imply we must not admit to our mistakes; in fact we should - at least to ourselves - but constantly berating ourselves over them is something else, and that should be avoided. Learn from the mistake, and move on; take the juice and spit out the rest.

Same deal applies for other's mistakes as well; instead of seizing up the opportunity to put them down, realize that a mistake just makes them as much a human as you are.

2. Don't get upset over situations beyond your control: We all run into plenty of little situations in life where we know there is not too much we can do about them. Sometimes we just have to let things run their course. Challenge yourself to creatively come up with a positive aspect out of your current messy situation, starting with the words, "Maybe its a good thing this happened because,..."

3. Change your daily vocabulary: Replace phrases in your daily vocabulary such as "Impossible", "I can't do it" with more positive phrases such as "I can, if I put in the necessary time and effort" or "I can, if that is my current priority in life" or "I can figure it out". Such phrases, while acknowledging the task requires effort, still do not verbally diminish your capacity to do it should the need arise in future.

"Once you replace negative words with positive words, you'll start having positive results." -Willie Nelson

Positive Attitude - Get Positive Words and Positive Phrases to Work For You

Prashant is the owner of:

The website deals with self improvement advice, ideas and tips focusing on stress management, memory improvement, self confidence, anger management and more - interspersed with several highly inspiring, contextually relevant self improvement quotes.

Learn more about the benefits of a positive attitude, along with tips and ideas to become a more positive person.

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Friday, June 22, 2012

Basic Communication Tips That Can Save Your Relationship

When couples come to me that are bickering and stuck in conflict, I often offer them relationship advice in the form of basic communication tips. These are not only generally useful, but can often be the savior of the relationship.

First, let's address expression versus suppression. Put simply, tell your partner how you are feeling. Holding in stressful emotions can literally manifest itself in physical ailments, so do not avoid or indefinitely postpone anything that needs to be discussed. If you are angry, for example, holding in your feelings today can lead to a potential explosion tomorrow. As a result, you may end up having an outburst over something relatively small and trivial because of the emotional pressure cooker that is created when you bottle up your true emotions. When that occurs, not only are the issues still not resolved, but more problems get created.

Anger Management

Second, recognize the difference between feelings and behavior, and try to focus on your feelings and not your partner's behavior. For example, if your partner did something which hurt you, tell them about how it made you feel rather than harp on what they did wrong. This approach is far more effective in engaging partners because it helps them become less defensive and listen more to your concerns. Years of giving relationship advice has taught me that one thing is certain: If you list a litany of your partner's negative behaviors you are much more likely to engender a very negative response. In other words, don't make a case against your partner, simply tell them how their behavior makes you feel.

Basic Communication Tips That Can Save Your Relationship

I can hear some of you saying, "Your relationship advice is all fine and dandy, but what if someone has a difficult time expressing how they feel?" My experience as a counselor has taught me that many people legitimately have trouble expressing their emotions. After all, talking openly about our feelings leaves us at risk for possible criticism or rejection. On the plus side, however, it can deepen your love and relationship! Therefore, try to trust your loving partner, because if you can't communicate with them, then who? As long as a sincere effort is made to communicate by the "stuck" partner, albeit slowly at first, then that is usually sufficient to bolster the relationship. For you shy folks out there who may have trouble opening up, try emphasizing substance over style. You don't have to be the William Shakespeare of emotional expression; the simple, direct approach is just as effective.

In addition, remember to stick to one issue at a time. Try not to respond to your partner's constructive criticism with defensive statements such as "Oh yeah, well you're no prize either!" Such defensive responses have nothing to do with the initial point and ultimately block effective communication. Remember: While engaged in a discussion or debate, do not bring up something unrelated to the topic at hand. This is a VERY common logical fallacy called a Red Herring argument. Sadly, many partners and even citizens are often duped by these illogical connections. I can't emphasize this enough, stick to the topic under discussion.

Also, be aware that there is a big difference between being assertive and "nagging." Being assertive means offering a solution. Emphasize that you are coming from a helpful place, and want to work together to create a better union. Nagging, on the other hand, usually involves pointing out "cracks" in your partner and relationship, which has the effect of pushing your partner away. Now that you know the pivotal difference, use this understanding to enhance loving communication.

Additional tips to keep in mind: How you engage in the discussion helps what you are actually saying. Therefore, sit next to your partner, hold their hand, talk in a comfortable place. By combining some sensitivity with your gentle assertiveness, remember that your goal is not to "Win" an argument, but to grow closer.

Take if from me: When you're engaging in a dialog, no matter how serious, if you're coming from a loving place then it can only bring you closer together. This can be considered sage relationship advice, but it has more to do with simple common sense and treating others how we wish to be treated.

Basic Communication Tips That Can Save Your Relationship

Dr. Kensington specializes in couples and marital therapy. Her free marriage and relationship guide can be found at

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Five Types of Anger That One Could Experience

Have you ever wondered if there could be different kinds of anger? Yes, just as there are different kinds of people around there are also different kinds of angers that these different kinds of people can experience.

Sometimes, it's hard to recognize when people are angry. Every person expresses anger in a different way. Some of the people when angry use different methods to show it such as it can be acted out, inert, egotistical, concealed, or unyielding.

Anger Management

Each type of anger comes from the same emotion but displays itself in different ways. People learn these displays from role models and care takers are parents or teachers, while growing up and from how others react to such displays.

The Five Types of Anger That One Could Experience

Knowing the five types of angers can help you understand what kind of anger do you experience and recognize the forms in others to. This will also allow you to be able to adopt the right methodology to be able to address it.

Acted-out anger
Acted-out anger is anger you can observe or hear, as it's expressed either physically or verbally. For example, acted-out anger can be expressed by such physical acts as slamming a door, pounding a desk, or throwing something at a wall or at another person. A person who expresses acted-out anger may look angry and say something that is shocking and out of character. The key to recognizing this kind of anger is to pick up on its physical or verbal expression, which some people call rage.

Inert anger
inert anger is anger you cannot observe as easily. Unlike acted-out anger, it's not expressed outwardly. With this type of anger, people refuse to deal with what is making them angry by withdrawing from the situation. People who exhibit signs of inert anger often will slouch in their chairs, cross their arms, or scowl.

Egoistical anger
Egoistical anger is a direct or indirect expression of anger characterized by acts of selfishness. With this type of anger, people become angry because they place their self-importance above other people. They don't acknowledge that rules exist to make life fair for all. People with this kind of anger get angry if there are negative consequences when they do as they please. They try to deny responsibility for problems, and may try to deny accusations of poor performance by threatening consequences for the people who exposed them.

Concealed anger
In this case, the angry person carries out secretive or indirect actions to get even with the person who caused the anger. This can involve sabotaging the other person's work by refusing to take messages, failing to notify another person about safety issues and purposefully damaging another person's work.

Unyielding anger
unyielding anger is an expression of anger characterized by inflexibility. People with unyielding anger are upset when others want to try ideas that are different than theirs. They aren't willing to be flexible and think that their way is the best way to accomplish a task.

The Five Types of Anger That One Could Experience

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Friday, June 15, 2012

4 Steps to Control Anger

Many of us at times have been upset. Being upset is a part of life. Not all things will go the way you want them to go. When this upset turns to anger we must be careful how we handle ourselves.

Here are 4 steps to control your anger and have it vent in proper ways.

Anger Management

1. Count to 10 when you are getting upset. This is a normal way that we have all heard. We have heard it because it works if you practice it. Count to 10 and you may solve many of your outbursts before they happen.

4 Steps to Control Anger

2. Do something that is physically exerting. Instead of punching a wall or a person, go run around the house, or mow the yard. Go for a walk, swim, bikeride, or shoot some hoops. This can provide a physical outlet for your emotions.

3. Find something that is calming. Try deep breathing from your diaphragm. Take 10 deep calming breaths. This can be very soothing for most people. Combine this with step 1 and count to 10 slowly while breathing.

4. Use "I" statements instead of "you" statements. I am frustrated because you didn't help with the housework, instead of You didn't help me with the housework. This helps in multiple ways one is your way of thinking is a bit better and you also do not upset the other person so that both parties are angry. Which of course is not a good outcome for anyone.

You can combine multiple steps above to help alleviate anger. Don't hold it in, but don't blow up. Calm yourself down and talk about it by using step number 4 above. Go for a swim or a nice shower, and you can alleviate the stresses that cause unhealthy anger.

4 Steps to Control Anger

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Monday, June 11, 2012

How To Know If You Have An Anger problem

Having an "anger problem" may mean that you express anger in harmful, destructive ways, not that you experience anger. That seems to be part of the human condition, and we need to be able to appropriately express anger. If your anger is hurtful to you or others, you may indeed have an "anger problem." Take a look at this list and see if it applies to you.

1. People often say you are angry; especially the people who know you well.

Anger Management

2. When you get angry, it's always someone else's fault. (The kids are being too noisy, your spouse is late again, the boss didn't appreciate the work you did, etc.)
How To Know If You Have An Anger problem
3. People tell you to lighten up, relax, take it easy, have a drink or try a Valium.
4. You drink alcoholically, take drugs, or engage in addictive or dangerous behaviors.
5. You become angry while driving, this includes pointing at another driver with the second finger or cutting off another car.
6. You hit your children, your spouse or animals. Hitting can be accomplished with many different weapons, not just the hands. Whether you use your hands, words or a belt, get immediate professional help.
7. You have a rigid body structure; your neck and shoulders are tight and sore.
8. You have ulcers, insomnia, high blood pressure or frequent tension headaches.
9. You always have to win arguments or get in the last word.
10. You find yourself sleeping in a different bed than your spouse.
11. Animals and children hide from you or cross the street to avoid you.
12. Co-workers, spouses or children keep secrets from you because they are afraid of your reactions.
13. You act out anger without stopping to think how your words or actions will affect other people.
14. You have multiple divorces.
15. When someone makes you angry, you emotionally withdraw or give them the "silent treatment."
16. When someone hurts you, you become obsessed with hurting him or her back. You may even take pride in your ability to "get even."
17. Forgiveness is almost impossible.
18. You never say you are sorry, except in a sarcastic voice.
19. Your children don't return your phone calls.
20. Your family or roommate encourages you to go to work, the gym or anywhere else just to get you out of the house.
21. Reading this list makes you angry.
Misleading Information About Anger
Many psychologists and counselors are confused about this most misunderstood emotion. One of the main reasons for this gross misunderstanding is because these professionals are confusing anger with rage. Once we stop using these very different-meaning words interchangeably, then anger will no longer be the crazy uncle in the family of feeling and thus no longer need be avoided.
Expressing Anger Creates More Anger
Some well-intentioned psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists and spiritual leaders claim letting out our anger creates and perpetuates more anger. This is true only if the person is a continuous rageaholic, and most people aren't. Many professionals are afraid of anger, both their own and other people's, so they have a vested interest in their clients suppressing their anger. If a grieving man cries gallons of tears, it doesn't make him cry even more. He weeps until the water in his grief well is dry. A woman doesn't avoid laughing at a joke because she is afraid she'll never stop laughing! When allowed to run its natural course, every emotion has an end.
Expressing Anger Is Dangerous
Some people who are anger-phobic claim getting angry increases the blood pressure and strains the heart. In twenty years of facilitating the appropriate release of anger I've never seen anyone die from high blood pressure or stroke at an anger workshop. However, I bet you have known someone who died full of anger, and you were sure their high blood pressure and heart disease were caused by all those years of pent-up emotions. I'm not a physician, but I can tell you that for the years I have practiced the methods discussed in The Missing Peace and Facing the Fire I've seen thousands of people express and release their anger, then celebrate as their blood pressure went down. They slept better, medicated less often, ground their teeth less, had fewer nightmares and felt and expressed love more readily. They were finally allowed to express their feelings. Indeed, anger expressed appropriately equals energy, intimacy and serenity.
Anger Is A Chameleon
Most genuinely compassionate psychologists believe anger is a secondary emotion and, therefore, not even real. What we are really feeling, they tell us, is not anger at all, but perhaps fear or sadness. Remember, therapists are people too, people who learned that anger equals pain, just like you and I did. They may encourage you to "understand" your anger or "go for the feeling that anger is covering up." At best they tell you "to say more about this." And rarely will tell you to face it, feel it, express it and release it.
At Hanley Center's Center for Men's Recovery, for example, the terrain of anger is explored in a safe environment, where men learn to explore issues and express related anger.
Caution: Danger Zone
Bill was a client who had been married and divorced four times. When his wives were angry he used to say to them, "Now just calm down. We can discuss this like two intelligent people. If you don't calm down right now, I'm out of here." What was wrong with Bill trying to calm them down so they could discuss the matter? The ex-wives just wanted to feel their feelings and express them-it's called communicating. Bill interpreted their normal expressions of anger as a threat, because he associated anger with being hurt.
Don't Feel!
Most alcoholics and addicts learned at an early age not to show their feelings. Many men and women are embarrassed by their emotions and avoid displaying them in public at all costs. Many of the men I've worked with have said things like," I haven't cried publicly since I was seven years old." Many men have bought the lie, "Big boys don't cry."
Nice Girls Don't Get Angry
Many women are afraid to display anger because they were told: "It's not nice;" "It's not pretty;" "It's not polite" and "Good girls don't get angry." They have been called "ball-busters" and "bitches." Women have just as much right to their anger as anyone. I repeat, women have lots of reasons to be angry. Women didn't even get the right to vote until 1920, and they still get paid two-thirds of what men do for the same jobs.
Reality and Acceptance
Alcoholism and addiction, among other things, is rage acted out by people who have been angry for a long time and been encouraged not to feel it, threatened not to feel it and, thus, afraid to feel it. Most alcoholics and addicts have a lot of anger about how different they are, things are, situations are, and people are as opposed to the way they want themselves, others and situations to be. There is a huge space between what we want to be and what is, and that space is filled with alcohol and drugs, people and processes. That space between the way it is and the way I would like for it to be could be filled with anger, grief, acceptance and then love. However, most of us were not taught how to express our anger, or how to "accept" people, places and things as they are. So we may drink and drug in lieu of this acceptance.
Excerpted in part from John Lee's most recent book The Missing Peace: Solving the Anger Problem for Alcoholics, Addicts & Those Who Love Them (Health Communications Inc. 2006.) This book and others by John Lee are available at Hanley Center Bookstore or go to John Lee's web site at
How To Know If You Have An Anger problem
John Lee is an acclaimed author and therapist who works with Hanley Center, a premiere treatment center for alcohol, chemical an other addictions in West Palm Beach, Florida, John Lee first became famous for raising men's emotional issues in the late '70s, and his book, "Flying Boy" became a national best seller. His latest book is "The Missing Piece: Solving the Anger problem for Alcoholics, Addicts and Those Who Love Them."
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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Time Management at Work - How to Manage Time in the Workplace

Time management at work is an essential skill to master if you want to become more efficient and experience less stress in the workplace. Being able to apply good time management at work can help you achieve more in a day.

Organizing your daily schedule can also help in giving you more control over the use of your time and energy in doing the different tasks. This will help to lessen the stress brought about by meeting deadlines and the pile-up of different tasks that still need to be done.

Anger Management

In today's workplace, time seems to be in short supply. And in a very busy workplace, an employee confronted with an increasing number of tasks required to be done on a daily basis can be very stressful. However, no task is insurmountable if you only know how to apply good time management at work.

Time Management at Work - How to Manage Time in the Workplace

Managing time need not be that difficult. What it requires is constant practice on a daily basis. Making time management a habit can work wonders. You easily realize just how much work can be accomplished with good time management. Doing so might even leave you with some time left to relax and let it all hang out.

One of the most important tips in practicing good time management is by learning how to organize. Good organizational skills allow you to learn how not to get lost over tasks. Good organizational skills also require you to know how to prioritize. With good organization, less time is spent on keeping track of work, and energies are kept focused more at accomplishing the different tasks.

A good way of organizing everything at the workplace is by practicing the art of making lists. Listing tasks on paper can help make you see what needs to be done. Add to that task list their corresponding deadlines and you may be able to see what tasks need to be prioritized.

Committing everything to memory would not always be dependable. Forgetting a certain task is easy without a task list on hand to remind you of what you need to do. Poor time management at work is failing to put what you need to do on paper. Making a habit of making lists at work is a simple yet valuable time management step.

Time Management at Work - How to Manage Time in the Workplace

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Friday, June 8, 2012

3 Steps to Take When Resolving Anger Issues

I hope you have come here to find help resolving anger issues for yourself or a loved one. Knowing you have a problem with anger management is the first step to getting help. The second step is finding out what will work to resolve the anger within yourself and move on to a happier and successful life. I have found three things that work for many people to help themselves with their anger management.

1. Be positive.

Anger Management

A lot can be said for the power of positive thinking. I'm not saying that you have to be the fake cheerleader type that is walking around yelling "You rah rah." about everything that goes on around them. On the other hand, staying away from being a bitter and sour person can really go a long way in avoiding getting upset at the little things that may irritate you throughout the day.

3 Steps to Take When Resolving Anger Issues

Becoming a positive person will not be easy, but waking up every morning and becoming conscious about when you are bitter and when you are happy is a good step. I have noticed that since I have made a choice to be more positive I am more aware of when I start yelling at other drivers on the highway and start down a road of possibly complaining about another person. Once I realize I'm on that road, I think about if what upset me will really matter in 3 minutes or 3 days. Ninety-nine percent of the time what has occurred doesn't matter and I am able to move on with a positive attitude.

2. Learn to understand your anger.

What is really making you angry? I'm sure it's not the crazy driver that tailgated you halfway to work this morning. Sometimes the situation is extremely obvious like a bunch of bullies that kicked you around in high school. Other times the situation may have been something you pushed to your subconscious because it was so traumatizing and you had to do this to keep on living. The problem with this is the problem is still in your subconscious and making you angry with how things went down. Until you can bring the problem to your conscious thinking, you will never be able to move on.

3. Learn to forgive those that made you angry.

Once you have found out what made you angry, you will need to forgive them so you can move on with your life. You can no longer change what happened or handle it differently and forgiving will allow you to lift a huge weight off of your shoulders and move on. We all make mistakes and even serious ones will need to be forgiven by you so you can keep on living a happy life without anger in your subconscious thinking.

3 Steps to Take When Resolving Anger Issues

These three steps to resolving anger issues may be all you need to move on to a happier life. However, if you feel you need more help, please visit

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Friday, June 1, 2012

Emotional Fragility

Emotions can run out of control, it does not choose its victims- the very young or the very old. A frequent dose of unpleasant issues and events can be emotionally debilitating. Emotional stress is draining, more so than a physical one.

People say things without thinking, with malice, lies and more hurtful lies. It is widely acknowledged that resentments, back-talks and other types of negative reactions reflect underlying insecurities especially that of fear and anger. People like this believe in the power of negative talk and negative emotions. They would not understand the meaning of goodwill and positive talk. Sometimes, harsh words are exchanged that are mutually hurtful. There are people with anger issues- it does not take much to get them go on a tirade. Humiliating and maddening if you are on the receiving end.

Anger Management

Can time heal these wounds? Do you bear the pain alone, or is there someone who can be a willing sounding board? At times, it helps to have a good listener. Can you let go of the hurt and find peace?

Emotional Fragility

For some, hurtful issues tend to get remote and forgotten in time. People learn to move on. It is only when one dwells on these that the negative energy gets very powerful and takes a life of its own. It can rear its ugly head at the slightest provocation, makes one emotionally fragile.

What purpose does it serve? NOTHING. Peace is refreshing, nourishing and strengthening. Misery is just that-misery. Fragile emotions can put one on edge, defensive, suspicious, insecure, angry and definitely unhappy. It can control your life.

The choice to let go of hurtful issues is a personal decision. Life has to go on, life has to flow in a positive way. There is always room for forgiveness. Words are the cheapest commodity and yet can be the most hurtful. Is it possible to let go? Take the high road, which leads to peace.

May you find your peace and may faith light your life, and the flicker of love grow ever brighter.

Emotional Fragility

Bonnie Moss writes to inspire and to motivate her readers to explore the depths of their heart and soul and make a difference in this world. She draws from personal experience and her interest in spirituality. Visit her website:

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