Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Test of Human Courage - Wonders Never Cease

The Gold Coast was officially declared a British crown colony in1874 but it was formerly the Swedish, the Portuguese, the Dutch, the Danish, and the Brandenburg Gold Coast. Accra became the capital of the colony. In 1946, but the colonial control declined after World War 2. Activities in Ghana halted in 1939 and the RWAFF, consisting of Northern Nigeria Regiment, 3rd battalion, Southern Nigeria Regiment, 2nd battalion, the Gold Coast Regiment, 1st battalion, The Sierra Leone Battalion, 1st battalion, and the Gambia Company, 1st company. The battalions were formed by the British in 1900. They served in Italian Somaliland, Abyssinia, and Burma. In 1956, Queen Elizabeth II paid a visit to the Nigeria and gave the Nigeria Regiment the title "Queen's Own Nigeria Regiment".

The British built a High Court which was a huge mansion. Some few metres away from the High Court, was the Sea. To the left of the High Court was the beautiful sandy beach for the British and beach to the left side of the High Court was allotted to the Ghanaians which had strong waves. A few kilometres away from the beach was a dumping ground for waste and litter. The sea was green and deep.

Anger Management


The Test of Human Courage - Wonders Never Cease

It was 23rd of January 1941, the sun was bright and the sky was blue, the day absolutely beautiful and cloudless but all the same I had a woeful experience at the beach in Accra. It was remorseful. I left my parents that day to the beach near the High Court. My parents had gone to visit some acquaintances. I walked together with my older brother Martin to the beach. It was some few kilometres away from home. It was about 10 AM. There were multitudes of young people swimming and enjoying themselves. It was the treacherous section, full of ferocious waves and undercurrent and deep. The excellent part, with slow moving and gently Sea waves, without trenches and pleasant moving light winds was, allocated to the British. Martin, my brother left me for a moment to purchase ice cream. I accompanied a young lad I met on the beach and walked hand in hand at the fringes of the Seawater.

Suddenly, we fell into a shallow and hollow area in the sea and drifted deeper into the Sea, vanishing from sight. I was separated from my accomplice. I had never swum before and I vanished steadily into the depth of the Sea. Under the deep green waters of the sea, I saw some green mountainous objects circling around me. I was ejected out of the sea and pushed up to the surface of the Sea. I was able to breathe some air but unfortunately I was forcefully drawn into the bottom of the Sea floor. I kept on paddling between the middle of the Sea and the Sea floor for one twenty minutes, gasping vigorously and energetically for air.

In my adversity, I saw lots of shelves and molluscs at the Sea bottom. They were arranged like circular objects in a shape that looked like Sea creatures. From the conglomerate of shelves, objects protruded like brittle stars which shone periodically and resembled pairs of eyes. Urchins, curved like spoons at the lower bottom half of the circular objects looked like a huge oral cavity. Radiating from either side of the heads were various other images protruding land stretching like appendages, a kind of medusa-like head. I circled around the huge object for some air. Suddenly, there was enough air at the floor of the sea to sustain me.

The water temperature was dropping and it was becoming cooler. Something suddenly pushed me up but I was drawn into the bottom of the sea where the temperature was warmer. It was as if someone was guiding me. Each time I re-surfaced, I saw some boats searching to rescue me from my peril but they were unable to find me because I surfaced for few seconds at a time. As I kept on struggling between the two worlds, life and death, I heard a child's cry; at least I thought it was a baby's cry. Suddenly, a violent Sea wave passed over me and I was drawn deeper into the Sea; the currents at the Sea floor became stronger, pushing me towards the medusa-like arms of brittle stars. There were large quantities of air but I was tumbling from side to side towards some huge molluscs. The molluscs were soft like cushions and lights like beacons were shining all over the area that surrounded me. I prayed feverishly because of my religious beliefs. Within a twinkle of an eye, an undercurrent at the bottom of the See pushed me up steadily. I found myself at the surface of the See waters where the rescuers could see me. A big hand grabbed me by the neck and another pair of hands grabbed me under my armpits. I was finally rescued and carried to the beach.

Arriving at the beach was the dead body of my accomplice. He laid down dead amidst multitudes of spectators. An ambulance was called in and I was admitted at the emergency department for some few hours. It was the revelation of my childhood's experience which occupied my mind and reminded me to be cautious and watchful in life. My father never understood how abysmally ignorant and utterly raw I was because we overlooked the signals indicating dangerous areas at the beaches.

Even at a very young age and spiritually unstable, I could not live without indulging myself in Christian fate. In spite of parental love my state of emotion was subjected to constant conflict because of the incident at the Sea. However, my parent's religious convictions inspired my profoundest participation in Christianity. My parent's absorbing passion was religion to which headed the persistent determination that many unlucky people had so conspicuously lacked. I sheltered in this faith and often walked long distances warily through darkness singing songs of prayer. I meditated to reach a state of deep relaxation in which I could recharge my energy to lead a better life. It was the youthful Christian revelation and confidence that made me dwell on the fruits of success and inward peace.

The Phantom

Some few months later, I arrived home from a game of hockey to find our house empty; there was nobody in the house except my mother dressed in splendour of black. The house was otherwise full of people. There was something strange about my mother, she was silent and did not talk. She did not walk but moved slowly from the hall to the bedroom and back again. I had the impression that my mother did not even see me but I was standing beside her. My youthful intuition did not warm me of a surprise and I did not have any premonition. She was very much alive and looked happy. I had never before believed in super naturals because of my Christian believes but the scenery was so real to me that I became shaky thinking that I had seen a spirit. Nevertheless I was relaxed and my mother was also relaxed and she watched me adoringly. My mother bent over me with an expression on her face that could only be described as angel-like but she suddenly disappeared from the room. I was very anxious and my heart started to beat rather quickly because I could not understand her gesticulations. I stood in the room and blinked until my eyes became accustomed to the murkiness in the room. I was then able to see the face of my mother lying in bed. I gleamed sharply and stumbled over a basket because it was on my pathway. I did not fall. I could hear my mother whispering so, I got nearer and called my mother but she did not answer. My eyes became heavy with tears I was not sure whether I was daydreaming or something.

Suddenly, the door opened and my father entered to break the news to me that my mother had died and he had just returned from the mortuary. At first I could not belief my father because I had just seen her. Telling my father that my mother was not dead but she was asleep in the bedroom, my father shook his head but followed me to the bedroom. My mother was not in bed and she was nowhere to be found. In disbelief, I hesitated and asked my father to take me to the mortuary. I suddenly lost some kind of burning light within him. I accompanied my father to the mortuary where I saw the corpse of my mother. I was hardened because of my Christian believes and tried to overcome the apocalypse. I believed that love of people can be conductive to thoughts and heart if I tried to understand. We left the mortuary with tears in my eyes.

The next morning I re-visited the corps of my mother with pounding heart and I lived with a characteristic idealism of those good years I had with my mother.

I began to look for some centre of meaning in life because I sought for a deepening knowledge of the world. I began to wonder about the way certain periods in one's life had meaning and other periods meaningless. But the death of my mother contributed to a sense which rang through my life and my attitudes towards life did not change; I became more realistic and managed to extract some knowledge of life from my father and some older friends who treated me with kindness and condolence. As time passed by the death of my mother did no longer make me shudder nor fill me with misery; I felt that my mother had gone away into another world and I lived under that belief. I accepted my mother`s death as part of experience, hers and mine. Hers because people do not know what lie beyond death and death itself, mine, because grief is part of the total richness of life, it is life's optimistic weapon thus, part of its pattern.

A horrifying day

Time passed by and I, galvanised by a trip abroad, travelled to the California, LA, United States of America. One nice evening I went out to dine at a restaurant in the centre of the city. Going out of the restaurant a man begged me for food or money. For what I could see, the man was indeed very hungry. He begged me repeatedly for about three minutes. As I was about to offer him some few dollars because of my religious convictions, people nearby made signs to me that I should refuse him. I heard a loud sound and I was taken aback. I looked here and there for a second and noticed that the man was furiously annoyed and he was holding a jack knife. Suddenly I saw that my life was threatened thus, there was no time for me to stand and stare at him. Forlornly, I made a little step to his left pretending to take money from my wallet but the man centred his knife towards my heart and his face was covered with a mixture of horror and anger. My life was threatened so, I gave him some dollars irrespective of what people would say. I hurried back to my hotel with the relief that I had thrown off a burden with a painless relief. I learnt not merely to subscribe to ignorance.

From that moment on, I made up my mind never again should I listen to the ideas of others but to depend on my own benevolent actions to express my feelings. I knew now that the streets were filled with a moving number of peoples, some of them never appeared bright; their only aim was reaping in sorrow of that which was meant to be delight. Indeed, I felt as if I had been born again, rejuvenated and that mattered more than if I had lost my life so unceremoniously. The spirit in my mind recognized life as a dignified hope for humanity otherwise; there was no coherency to why a man was set on earth.

Joblessness was plenty, laziness was abundant, and wages were inadequate for the hard working man everywhere so that with minimum inflation neither workers nor professionals could have savings. These irritations and indignities provoked unstable characteristics of everyday's life as well as dread. The atmosphere in which such people moved to and fro was because of apprehensive environment of bewilderment. However, I learned that one could not be careful enough in certain areas in this world. Demoralisation had followed unemployment and people accustomed to spending few dollars in buying butter and bread had lost the habits of purchasing. I observed that bitterness followed a pattern of deterioration rather than a change for the better. I was reminded to be aware of the menacing future which might descend with annihilation upon the blameless generation to follow. Yet, people exist like a hard compact coal which burns without glow, probably a confused world, and a world of degeneracy. However, I had the belief that human nature changes because people always pray for deliverance from demolition.


My dreams and philosophies were short lived. I tramped wearily through the streets towards my hotel. Arriving at the vicinity of the hotel the whole area was in firestorm. As I stood and watched the collapsing buildings, my hotel emerged from the greyness of the flames and ashes, taking on individuality as the Firemen quenched the flames. Suddenly, from the unrolling midst of oblivion, encounters of the past and present accumulated in heaps and smeared my mind and ended in an uncontrolled outburst of teething spiritual troubles. I had spiritual impairment that misleadingly occurred as a consequence of series of sad happenings in my life. I had seen hardships of ecclesiastical nature and ordeals so often and yet these occurrences were for me too heavy to bear. I meditated on the defencelessness of the very old people and of the newborn against the turbulent life, for the very old people it was because they will soon leave the world and be spared from fear mingled with disrespect, and for the newborn, life's suffering may be the road for unpleasant way out. I eventually became calm and collected.


I felt enormously and endlessly tired of everything after the incident but I had to go on living. I was disturbed and I walked in the darkness of life with silence in which no hope could gain victory. I walked mechanically around and felt I was haunted so, I prayed and put up a strong fight against my inner judgement of what was right and wrong and I eventually ceased to care.

He regained his Christian faith and lived happily after.

The Test of Human Courage - Wonders Never Cease

The Author begins with a little history about where he is born in the colonies. He passes through never ending series of sad events in his life. He drowns in the sea together with his friend yet he is saved because of his Christian faith but his friend is not lucky, he dies. He sees the phantom of his mother without knowing the mother is dead, but tries to put up with the situation because of his Christian faith. He nearly losses his life by listening to the advices of others but acts because of his Christian believes and saves his own life. He goes home to his hotel and finds the hotel in firestorm. He sees hardships of ecclesiastical nature and ordeals so often and yet these occurrences are for him too heavy to bear. He feels enormously and endlessly tired of everything after so many dreadful incidents but he keeps on existing in his Christian beliefs. He loses hope but regains his faith in Christianity because that is a secured and a moral thing to do. He would have been dead had it not been because of his Christian beliefs.

Geoffrey Akuamoa

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