Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Leadership Through Effective Interpersonal Communication Skills

Too often I see leaders who either don't communicate; over communicate; communicate inappropriately through outbursts, anger, or blaming; or don't communicate clearly.

Communicating effectively through strong interpersonal communication is the most critical skill a leader can possess when working with others and it continues to be of great importance to meet the demands of employee retention and in the building of trust and confidence in an individual's and organization's leadership.

Anger Management

Many leaders miss the mark when it comes to connecting with their followers due to a lack of interest in others ideas and opinions, out dated management styles, and the inability to work with others. The ability to listen, read body language, ask questions, provide feedback and generate effective two-way communication builds trust & can also prevent performance problems/challenges down the road. Great leaders consistently strive to strengthen their interpersonal communication competencies by building and maintaining open, supportive, and collaborative relationships with others in the organization.

Leadership Through Effective Interpersonal Communication Skills

So what are Interpersonal Communication Skills?

Interpersonal communication is the process of developing a unique relationship with the other person by interacting and simultaneously sharing influence. It involves using communication skills effectively. As well as using skills such as active listening and tone of voice, they include delegation and leadership. It is how well you communicate with someone.

Having good interpersonal communication skill is a combination of being able to say what you mean clearly and concisely, and being able to take on board opinions of others and adapt what you say accordingly, as well as making them feel they can speak freely. To do that, you've got to be aware of your own role in the conversation and be able to manage your own attitudes and emotions (emotional intelligence). People with good interpersonal skills can generally control the feelings that emerge in difficult situations and respond appropriately, instead of being overwhelmed by emotion, and therefore the number of conflicts is reduced.

Working to strengthen your interpersonal communication skills will enhance your ability as a leader to articulate the vision of your organization. It will ultimately strengthen and add value to the individual, team and organization at all levels.

Start enhancing your Interpersonal Communication Skills today.

Leadership Through Effective Interpersonal Communication Skills

Michael has over 23 years experience in the Banking and Finance Industry and has enjoyed great success in the corporate and small-medium enterprise business environment. Michael's expertise includes one-on-one executive coaching, executive team development and coaching, change management, leadership development and transformational coaching.

For more information or to subscribe to a monthly newsletter visit

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Monday, May 28, 2012

How to Deal With People Who Think They Know Everything

There are not many other types of people who infuriate others and have them losing their temper more than the know it all. They can make us feel inadequate and powerless and so we react badly, confirming their power over us. However, if you remain calm and think a little bit, you can learn how to deal with people who think they know everything.

Why Do They Do It?

Anger Management

You will be better able to deal with people who think they know everything if you try to look at it from their point of view. Very often, the know it all lacks self confidence so they feel they have to show off what they know and try to make everyone else feel inferior. Perhaps they were bullied as children and they are repeating old patterns? You may never actually uncover the reasons for the arrogant attitude but just by having the recognition that something made the person that way, you can increase your understanding and start to put the behaviour in perspective.

How to Deal With People Who Think They Know Everything

Reaffirm your own self-worth

It is not that you are inferior or know less than the other person. They just want you to feel like you do. They can only affect the way you feel about yourself if you let them. So, instead of accepting everything the know it all says, think of all the positive and good things you know you can do. You have self worth and no-one has the right to damage that.

Listen to the other person

Sometimes, a know it all attitude stems from a feeling of not being listened to. You can help to ease their fears in this direction by listening to what they have to say openly and without comment. That way, they will see you as less of a threat to you and will probably relax on feeling they have to act so arrogantly.

Show you accept them and like some of their ideas and they will feel validated.

When you have made the know it all feel more confident and comfortable, you can start to change some of their attitudes. However, you must do this subtly. If you directly challenge them or are aggressive, you will send them running right back to their old defensive behaviours of being the know it all.

Instead, mirror the person's view back to them. That way, you will show you listened to them and appreciated their ideas, and they will feel happy about that. From there, you can gently start to unpick the ideas and present information which refutes some of what they say. But instead rejecting or mocking their ideas, simply present the conflicting evidence. Then ask the know it all what their view of that is.

However, there will always be the know it all who refuses to change his or her opinion. In that case, having examined their view in the light of your own beliefs, you may just have to learn to shrug off their views. They are not harming you by thinking something different so you have no need to worry about it.

If the problem becomes too annoying for you, you could always stops seeing that know it all.

So, although it can be infuriating taking the time and energy for how to deal with people who think they know everything, you can limit the effect it has on you. Examine your own beliefs and make sure they are strong. That way, your self esteem can stand meeting up with these people. If you are sensitive and subtle, you may be able to get them to change their views but if you can't, you can walk away, knowing that you are happy with who you are.

How to Deal With People Who Think They Know Everything

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report: 10 Simple Steps to Developing Communication Confidence. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at: communication skill tip

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Some Anger Quotes to Help Control Anger

Anger is never good can always harm you more than it can harm others. You could destroy a friendship or a relationship that you built over the years in just a moment of anger. There are several ways of anger management and self control is the only way in which one can control his or her anger. I personally count to 100 slowly and I am usually calmed down by time I reach 50. And there are various other ways of self control. I have also found that reading motivational books can make you curtail anger to a great extent. Since we all don't have the time to read, I have compiled some quotes on anger by famous writer and philosophers that might help you to control you anger.

There is a saying that repentance and anger towards someone is like drinking poison and wishing that the person would die. Self control is when we can keep a check on our desires but it rarely happens that you just go mad about getting something, and self control is easier when it is about keeping a check on some desire, because you can certainly control your desire. But anger is spontaneous and if you were conscious of it, you would not be angry in the first place. And because it is so spontaneous, it becomes all the more difficult to control Anger.

Anger Management

It needs a lot of practice to control anger and you need to stop it as soon as it comes because it is often too late if you let yourself loose even for a few seconds. As soon as you get angry, always try to remember what could go wrong if you fly off the handle and think whether you will repent something that you are going to do momentarily. If you let anger overcome you, your inner demon will say that you don't care about the consequences, and when you start thinking that way, you need to think of the adverse consequences that your loved ones might have to face.

Some Anger Quotes to Help Control Anger

Here are some tips to control Anger:

1) Understand your common causes of anger :

When I was in living in the dorm, I used to get very angry whenever someone wakes me up just to ask me something trivial. Somehow my anger takes over because someone broke my sleep just to ask something trivial and I would just scream at whoever is waking me up. Of course I would apologize later for losing my handle, but by then I would have made the damage.

But I knew the cause of anger. I get angry very often in this particular situation and I said to myself then that I will think rationally and not scream when someone wakes me up. Because you, it was not the question that irked me, but the fact that some one woke me up lit the fire, and the trivial question just adds fuel to my anger. I just had to not light the fire to control my anger. And after months of practice when I asked a friend to wake me up everyday, and then practicing not to be irritated when I am woken could I control my morning or siesta anger.

2) Think of God :

This might not work for atheists, but those who have faith in god must try to remember his favorite god whenever he is in danger and pray to help him conquer his anger. Whenever I start losing my temper, I would start praying to god like crazy to help me overcome the anger, and yes it sure helps.

3) Think of the consequences :

This is the most difficult thing to do when you are angry, because when we are angry, we often don't care about any consequences, and we don't care about anything. In times like that, think hard about all the consequences. Think about your loves ones what it might cause to them, even if you don't care.

4) Count to 100
Now this is the most effective, age old formula for controlling anger. Ignore everything above, and ignore everything around you and just start counting from 1 till you are calmed down. It works even better if you count using you fingers. Just count away your anger. This is the most effective technique. Try it.

It also helps to remember these quotes that I have compiled. Print them out and post them in several visible places and it will certainly calm you down.

"For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Speak when you are angry - and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret."
- Dr. Laurence J. Peter

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."
- Gautama Buddha

"Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die. "
- Malachy McCourt

"When anger rises, think of the consequences""
- Confucius

"There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot."

- Plato

Some Anger Quotes to Help Control Anger

Bob used to be a very short tempered man who flew off the handle at the drop of a hat and would get into fights with just about everyone he knew untill he realised one that anger was hurting him a lot and he had burnt a lot of bridges. He started doing meditation and read a lot of inpirational books and he compiled this collection of his favorite anger quotes to motivate people like him. You can find more of his collection of famous quotes on his website.

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Friday, May 18, 2012

What Is The Real Secret to Affiliate Marketing Success?

Everyone wonders what the best way is to become successful at affiliate marketing. Do you want to know? Then what are you waiting for?
When I said everyone wonders what the best way is, I wasn't joking. Even I wonder at times whether I could do things better and more efficiently, however based on everything I know, here are some things you need to be the best affiliate marketer you can be.

1) Persistence
Do you think everyone who is successful out there tried something once and was the master of it straight away? Of course not, if you fail the first time round, never let it put you off. When somebody knocks you down you've got to get back up. This is the reason professionals aren't that worried about competition. they know that most people will give up way too early.

2) Work Hard
Half the people out there say they are working when they are really checking their e-mails, looking at Facebook, playing games and generally just staring at the screen. I was once like this, any work I did I could have really done in a hell of a lot less time. Close yourself off from anything that's going to distract you and you will be able to focus properly. The more work that you do, the better the results you will see right in front of you.

3) Good Observation Skills
Look at what the professionals do. After all, you know they must be doing most things right, or at least well. Otherwise they wouldn't be in the position they're in. You'll soon be able to mimic the techniques they use. However, try not to look at just one professional, otherwise you'll only be able to be as good as them, maybe not even as good. Observing a range of professionals will help you pick up a wide range of techniques that you'll be able to use.

Your most likely now thinking, "Okay, but I wanted to the exact ways to become successful." The reality is that before you even think about how you are going to make money from affiliate marketing, you need to realise that; without persistence, hard work and good observational skills, your attempts will most likely result in failure. Whether you didn't stick with it for long enough, or you said you worked really hard but didn't get a lot done. Maybe you were very persistent and worked hard but just did things that aren't effective because you didn't look at what the experts are doing themselves.

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