Monday, December 24, 2012

Interpersonal Communication And Conflict Management Skills For Managing Employee Relations

Conflict is inevitable, but it can be reduced and turned into something positive. The interpersonal conflicts we experience on a daily basis at both from the large organizations to a tiny corporation. Conflict shifts people's focus away from work and the basic goals of the team, department and organization. It negatively impacts productivity, morale and ultimately the results. The most important skills needed for managing employee relations are interpersonal communications and conflict management skills.

Interpersonal communication skills is the foundation for making the hostile work environment and it allows the supervisor or manager an opportunity to build a good relationships with the overall workgroup. In an organization peoples are required to work with a group. Because of cultural differences among the team member a tremendous amount of interaction is required. Interpersonal skills can help to create the right workplace climate reducing disruptive behavior. Also supervisors and leaders should respect their employees to accomplish a goal. Interpersonal communication has many dimensions. Interaction with other people allows individuals the opportunity to develop and enhance their own ideas and share valuable information with the others. Through the proper perception of the interaction employee can find solutions to improve their organizational effectiveness. Interpersonal skills develop good employee relations with the workforce through visual and verbal imagery making employee more satisfied and fulfilled.

No one likes to deal with conflict, but the truth of the matter is that we must. Problems that aren't dealt with tend to become septic and spread into other areas and relationships. Conflict Management Skills can help in resolving employee relations issues quickly and more effectively, and can create greater satisfaction with the workgroup. Surveys show that managers now spend about 20 percent of their time on conflict resolution. And, as employees are asked to communicate with a greater variety of people, they need their own conflict management skills. Most of us are less skilled at handling conflict than we should be. Although studies show that a negotiating behavior is usually the best response to a conflict situation.

Interpersonal Communication And Conflict Management Skills For Managing Employee Relations

When in conflict people have five basic conflict handling positions:

Avoiding Accommodating Competing Compromising Collaborating

Disordered management style and issues exacerbate the conflict because the communication gets distorted and people become frustrated in a workgroup. Managers should always address up difficult situation and speak up. Effective listening skills convey information properly. Listening what the person says, and responding to the conversation on a positive way reduces workplace conflict. Conflict of any type creates some type of emotions such as anger, frustration, and sorrow. Managing these emotions through respect and careful manner can establish a good relationship with the workplace. With all these techniques improve your conflict-management skills that will go a long way in fostering positive employee relations with a workforce.

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Friday, December 21, 2012

11 Easy Ways to Manage Anger

The first step in being able to learn effective anger management techniques is to recognize the situations that make you angry and your body's warning signs of anger.

List things that can trigger your anger

Make a list of the things that often set off your anger (for example, running late for work and getting stuck in a traffic jam, your teenager leaving not helping out around the house or a co-worker blaming you for something you didn't do). If you know ahead of time what makes you angry, you may be able to avoid these things or do something different when they happen.

11 Easy Ways to Manage Anger

Pay attention to the warning signs of anger in your body

Notice the things that happen to your body that tell you when you are getting angry (for example, a pounding heart, flushed face, sweating, tense jaw, tightness in your chest or gritting your teeth).The earlier you can recognize these warning signs of anger, the more successful you will probably be at calming yourself down before your anger gets out of control.

Find anger management techniques that work for you

There are a number of different ways of managing anger and some strategies will suit you better than others. Here's some simple ways to put an end to the vicious cycle of stress that anger can bring:

Control your thinking

When you're angry, your thinking can get exaggerated and irrational. Try replacing these kinds of thoughts with more useful, rational ones and you should find that this has an affect on the way you feel. For example, instead of telling yourself "I can't stand it, it's awful and everything's ruined," tell yourself "It's frustrating, and it's understandable that I'm upset about it, but it's not the end of the world and getting angry is not going to fix it." Psychologists call this type of thinking "self talk."

Develop a list of things to say to yourself before, during and after situations in which you may get angry. It is more helpful if these things focus on how you are managing the situation rather than what other people should be doing.


"I'll be able to handle this. It could be rough, but I have a plan."

"If I feel myself getting angry, I'll know what to do."


"Stay calm, relax, and breathe easy."

"Stay calm, I'm okay, s/he's not attacking me personally."

"I can look and act calm."


"I managed that well. I can do this. I'm getting better at this."

"I felt angry, but I didn't lose my cool."

Take time out

If you feel your anger getting out of control, take time out from a situation or an argument. Try stepping outside the room, or going for a walk. Before you go, remember to make a time to talk about the situation later when everyone involved has calmed down. During time out, plan how you are going to stay calm when your conversation resumes.

Use distraction

A familiar strategy for managing anger is to distract your mind from the situation that is making you angry. Try counting to ten, playing soothing music, talking to a good friend, or focusing on a simple task like polishing the car, doing the dishes, folding laundry or walking the dog.

Use relaxation techniques

Relaxation strategies can reduce the feelings of tension and stress in your body. Practice strategies such as taking long deep breaths and focusing on your breathing, or progressively working around your body and relaxing your muscles as you go.

Learn assertiveness skills

Assertiveness skills can be learnt through self-help books or by attending courses. These skills ensure that anger is channelled and expressed in clear and respectful ways. Being assertive means being clear with others about what your needs and wants are, feeling okay about asking for them, but respecting the other person's needs and concerns as well and being prepared to negotiate.

Avoid using words like "never" or "always" (for example, "You're always late!"), as these statements are usually inaccurate, make you feel as though your anger is justified, and don't leave much possibility for the problem to be solved.

Try to acknowledge what is making you angry

Acknowledge that a particular issue has made you angry by admitting it to yourself and others. Telling someone that you felt angry when they did or said something is more helpful than just acting out the anger.

Make sure you think about who you express your anger to, and take care that you aren't just dumping your anger on the people closest to you, or on people who are less powerful than you. For example, don't yell at your partner, children, or dog when you are really angry with your boss.

Sometimes it can help to write things down. What is happening in your life? How do you feel about the things that are happening? Writing about these topics can sometimes help give you some distance and perspective and help you understand your feelings. Work out some options for changing your situation.

Rehearsing anger management techniques

Use your imagination to practice anger management strategies. Imagine yourself in a situation that usually sets off your anger. Imagine how you could behave in that situation without getting angry. Think about a situation where you did get angry. Replay the situation in your mind and imagine resolving the situation without anger.

Try rehearsing some anger management strategies with a friend. Ask them to help you act out a situation where you get angry, so that you can practice other ways to think and behave. Practice saying things in an assertive way.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Getting Fired Or Laid-Off - 7 Things to Say Or Do for Your Friend Who Has Been Fired Or Laid-Off

Last fall (2007) there was a CEO succession at the company where my husband and I work. In November, my husband, who was in upper management, was the first to be laid off. In a nanosecond, not only does your work network crumble but so does your social network. What do you say or do for your co-worker and friend who has been fired or laid off?

Whenever there is a change in management, employees become afraid. Your job feels very insecure; you become defensive, protection your position. With a change in management, there is usually some form of change coming down the pike. When a company brings on a new CEO, it may well mean changes in top management. For example, Jach Welch became president of GE (General Electric) when GE was in trouble. He was know by the nickname "Neutron Jack" because many folks lost their jobs. However, he turned the company around to be viable in today's world, thereby saving and creating jobs. That is great for those who stay or get hired, and not so great for the ones who lose their jobs. That scenario happens every day in companies all over the county. What do you say or do for your co-worker who has been laid off.

1) When you see your friend, say "Hi, I am sorry to hear about your job." Loosing a job isn't leprosy. I can't tell you the number of our friends that wouldn't, couldn't or didn't know how to talk to us. They would avoid us by looking at their shoes and walk away. Just say "Hi!" The friendship and support is needed and much appreciated. Just keep in contact.

Getting Fired Or Laid-Off - 7 Things to Say Or Do for Your Friend Who Has Been Fired Or Laid-Off

2) Do activities with your friend. Go to lunch or dinner with them, play golf or cards or go to a show. You don't have to fix the situation, just be a friend.

3) Listen. Your friend will need to sort things out and make plans for the future. It is easier and nicer to have a friend walk the path with you.

4) Encourage your friend through the process of the job search, It can be very lonely and frustrating to look for a new position. It is very important to be positive during this time. You are much more likely to land a new job with a positive , upbeat attitude. Call your friend, frequently to see how he/she is doing and how the process is going.

5) Depending upon the circumstances, the friend may have to move. Stay in contact with your friend during the process. It there are ways to help, do so if your are able. Having your friend over for a simple dinner is a wonderful gesture.

6) There will be a whole host of emotions that everyone will go through during this process. You don't have to get stuck in "life sucks" conversations. Simply recognizing the emotions of anger, disappointment, sadness, and grief may be all that you need to do. Then you can get on to what is right and good in the new opportunities that present.

7) Be a "Friend." Be present and available to the extent you can. You never know when this person or another friend will need to be there for your. "Pay it forward," if you will.

Getting fired or laid-off is not the worst thing in the world. Learn from the situation and grow. It is a doorway to new opportunities that await you and your friend. Celebrate the friendship you have had. You are both better for having known each other.

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Friday, December 14, 2012

Anger Management- 10 Action Steps To Safely Process Anger

Managing anger is actually not as complex as it may first seem. The first steps are to identify and acknowledge your own anger and then try to find the reason or cause of why are you angry. Emotions should not be suppressed. Repressing them only makes them rear their ugly heads in the long run, usually in a misdirected, explosive way.

Expressing one's anger is important, one only needs to do so in a manner that is appropriate and does not cause any one else, or even one's self, harm. The following are anger management tips to keep you and those around you emotionally and physically safe.

1. Buy yourself some time before reacting.

Anger Management- 10 Action Steps To Safely Process Anger

There may be instances where you realize that your outbursts of anger are having a negative effect on your friends, family and work colleagues, it is important therefore to take a little time out. If you find your anger is boiling up and will explode any minute, count from one to ten. This helps prior to actually leaving or reacting to the current angry situation at hand.

2. Do a physical activity.

Move a muscle, change a thought. Doing a physical activity could actually help provide you a positive outlet for any of your pent up emotions or anger, especially if you feel the emotions erupting. Go run or walk around, clean the house or office. Go swimming or try to lift some weights, shoot some baskets.

3. Calm, calm, calm yourself.

Whether you are angry or not, it is always helpful to do some breathing-deep exercises. You could try to visualize a scene that is relaxing. You could also try to repeat a word or a phrase that is calming for you. Repeat this as often as you possibly could. The word or phrase could be as simple as, relax or chill out.

You could also try listening to some calming music, do some painting, jot your thoughts out on a journal just to let your feelings out. You could also do some yoga.

4. Express yourself appropriately

It is really not advisable to stew. When you are angry, immediately acknowledge and own your anger and try to kick over alternative means of expression. If it is quite impossible to address your own anger in a manner that is safe and pertinent to the situation. Talk it out with a friend, family, therapist or counselor or any other person you think you could trust.

5. Always play the tape forward.

In the heat of anger, there may be instances where things said or done are those you usually would later regret. This actually hurts more than the anger itself, and one that you wished you could always take back but never could.

As much as possible, think twice before saying anything or acting in the heat of an angry moment. Explore the future ramifications.

6. Work with, not work against.

Realize that it is always best to work directly with the particular personor situation that has angered you in order to identify the possible solutions of a particular situation.

7. Hold yourself accountable.

Deep down, using statements that start with an 'I' help in describing a particular problem and so assists in holding yourself accountable rather than unnecessarily placing the blame on someone else. You may say, 'I am upset' rather than, 'You made me upset'

In actuality, no one has more control of your feelings than you. Do not let others make you angry without your express permission. You can choose to be angry, and you can also choose not to be angry as well.

8. Try not to carry resentment or grudge.

Holding resentment is actually unproductive and unhelpful in the long run. It is heavy and it holds you back. Believe it or not, it is always easier to forgive and let go. Resentments can linger for years after the event in your mind, when the person who affected you has long disappeared from the scene.

9. Be realistic.

The fact of the matter is that it is quite unrealistic to make sure or even expect anyone to go behave the way you exactly want them to.

10. Don't take yourself so seriously.

IN the grand scheme of the cosmos, how important was the event that set you off? Humor can be an effective diffuser of tension. Remember there are many ways of looking at a situation, maybe your way is not the correct way.

There are many more tolls to use in anger management. Keep a journal and note every time you get angry or on any situation you feel has angered you. You may refer to this list in the future and use it as a productive tool to know which things set you off in order for you to know, monitor and be aware of the reactions you express, in order for you to change these for the better.

The most important anger management tip is to identify, own, and process the emotion when it occurs and not let it build up.

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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Children's Anger Management Worksheets - Tips To Manage An Angry Kid Easily

A child is not always the easiest person to manage and it is far more challenging to manage their anger. For this, one needs to have lots of imagination. A child is simply not meant to deal with extreme feelings of anger. They just do not know how to exhibit their feelings of anger and they do it by showing through actions like throwing tantrums. Children not knowing what is causing them to be angry just refuse to share their anger emotions. That's why it is important to look for good programs and resources which would be beneficial when it comes to treating a child who has anger problems.

Any anger management program which is being designed keeping children in mind should include exercises and activities which would keep them occupied. If you take your child to meet a psychiatrist or enroll them into a support group program, you will find that it is in no way going to help the child. This is because the children themselves are unable to understand why they are getting angry in the first place, so they will not be able to talk about it either. Worksheets and activities which have been specially designed to cater to their anger problems will instead benefit them much more.

Most children are quite familiar with puzzles, coloring pages and worksheets as these are very common as part of their school work. So it is only wise that lessons in anger management are cleverly incorporated in worksheets to make them extremely fun and interesting to the child. These anger management worksheets should contain strategies and techniques which will help control anger and something which the child also understands and gives positive responses. The coloring pages should contain familiar situations while the puzzles can have words which are connected to the child's anger issues.

Children's Anger Management Worksheets - Tips To Manage An Angry Kid Easily

Other than worksheets, games and fun activities can also be used for anger management as children love to play games. Children get angry because of traits like jealousy and competition. Therefore games should be so structured that children are taught to interact with other children in a healthy way and that there is no need for them to feel any jealousy. Children should be encouraged to play games and taught that it is okay if they did not to win. This will surely help the child to look at losing a game with positive feelings. Children should be taught to play different roles so that they are made to realize that they most certainly cannot be the center of attention all the time. Activities for children to manage their anger should be designed to help them become highly productive while keeping them enjoyable and interesting.

Some of children will show signs of being upset and angry all the time. For such children the worksheets must be used to find out what is actually bothering them. One way is to list the causes of their anger and have them identify them so that the same can be used to help treat them. Here simple sentences are written on the worksheets which contain the problems relating to the child's anger. While the children work on the worksheets they would hardly be aware that they are giving out information that would be necessary to address their anger issues. Anyone who is preparing worksheets for anger management for children should keep the child in mind while doing so. It is important to know how a child's mind would work before designing a good program to treat their anger issues

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sympathy Messages

The loss of a loved one. It is often difficult to find the right words to express your sympathy to someone during this time of sorrow. A floral tribute and supportive message can offer much support to those grieving such a loss. Here we list some suggestions, perhaps to inspire you as you offer your condolences with your floral tribute.

~Our deepest condolences

~With Sympathy

Sympathy Messages

~Our thoughts are with you and your family.

~In Loving Memory

~You are in our thoughts and prayers.

~Fondest remembrances

~Thinking of you and offering you hope and comfort.

~May you find peace and love in the memories you cherish.

In the weeks after...

After the initial outpouring of support, even weeks after the service, encouraging words can provide continued comfort. Consider sending a floral arrangement, a green or blooming plant, or even a gourmet or fruit basket to the family's home with a supportive message. Here are a few suggestions for you;

~Just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts

~I have been thinking of you

~Hope this brings sunshine to your day

~Let's get together soon for lunch, give me a call.

~Just as you have been for us, we are always here for you.

Overall, an uplifting and sensitive message is most comforting. Avoid words like "sad" or "I know how you feel". Messages offering your heartfelt support and friendship with your floral tribute will be appreciated. Your local florist can offer further suggestions about sending a floral tribute.

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Anger Management Activities That Can Help You Cope

Anger management activities can help you to find a solution to the anger you have. Actually, you can apply these anger management techniques to just about everyone at the office. The fact is that everyone finds themselves struggling with anger at varying degrees with the people that are around them. It is all too common for people to face problems with each other based on simple things that get taken out of hand. Yet, that does not minimize the need or the frustration that they face.

As a mediator, it can do a great deal of help to the whole if the group breaks down into sections and directly relates to their anger management problems. This should start with anger management activities that are centered on the individuals that need it the most. Activities should be directly controlled by the mediator to insure that nothing gets out of hand.

An example of an anger management activity that can be beneficial is that of the group session:

Anger Management Activities That Can Help You Cope

· Six to eight people are in the group. The moderator (or someone in the group) will ask the questions:

- Is anyone angry at anyone in the group?

- Is anyone angry with anyone in other areas of their lives?

- Is anyone carrying a grudge that they need to get out?

· The person that has a problem will say, "I have a problem and would like to share my feelings about it." The person who the problem is directed at should agree to allow them to present their feelings without interrupting them.

· The individual with the problem presents his or her feelings. The person they are directed at (or the group) then talks about how they see the situation and they work to resolve the problem.

· The goal is to come to a conclusion about the anger and to resolve it. Not to quiet it, forget about it or to continue with the angry feelings.

· Grudges should be talked about and the person holding it should tell the person just what they can do for you to let go of that grudge. Again, working with it until it is resolved is the best way to go.

This anger management activity is just one thing that can be done. Often, anger management counseling should be done to help the individual to go through the problems as well. When the group is working on the anger management activities, it not only gets rid of the anger and frustration that is there but additionally it helps to keep the group together making them stronger.

Anger management activities are ideally present in all workforces. There are going to be problems when people work together. While problems often arise, there is no reason why they can not be addressed in a group and through anger management counseling. The whole is better for it.

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Sandy Sizemore writes on many consumer related topics including mental health. You can find anger management activities and anger management exercises and more by visiting our mental health website.

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